The scene is set from the start - Ilsa, chief warden of a Nazi concentration - is enjoying the pleasures of one of her male captives. He has the temerity to orgasm before she does, and is speedily hauled off by 2 of Ilsa's henchwomen for speedy castration. Shortly after, a lorry load of fresh female captives arrives. Ilsa informs them: "Do not be afraid, we are doctors." While this statement is true, the reality is that she wishes to use them in "medical experiments" to prove that women are as able to withstand pain as men, in fact better. This is in fact "proved" by flogging one of each to death at the same time, with the two henchwomen laying on with whips while stripped to the waist. After much more along the same lines, Ilsa's nemesis arrives - a blond, blue-eyed American who has been swept up in the death camps. He satisfies her, but weakened by lust for him, Ilsa fails to spot the inevitable prisoners revolt which reverses the table on the baddies. Ilsa is given the full, um, lash by the delectable Dianne Thorne - the bogus German action laid on with a trowel, magnificent breasts deployed at every available opportunity. The success of Ilsa begat a series of similarly themed knock offs by the one and only Jess Franco - the best of these, set in a dodgy South American prison - is Ilsa, Wicked Warden.
今日观影记录美国男人在床上凭借出色的床技征服德国女军官,充满了男人的意淫和自大的幻想不得不说里面的女军官都很漂亮,制服笔挺,金发碧眼,完美契合我的审美点了解到“剥削电影”这一东西,剥削电影可能以性挑逗、或露骨性爱、耸动暴力、吸毒、裸体、狂热、血腥、荒诞、毁灭、背叛、和残害为特色,此类电影在1920年代首度出现,却迟于1960年代和1970年代欧美地区放松电影的检查尺度与禁忌,才开始普及。这些电影往往需要某种可供剥削的事物。例如: 大明星、特效、性爱、暴力、爱情 ... 等。剥削电影大大仰赖煽色腥的广告宣传,以及露骨、夸大其词的议题描绘,却无视于电影自身的内在品质,剥削电影往往被广泛认为是品质低劣的产物。 即使如此,剥削电影有时也能吸引世人关注、和膜拜追随(引自网络)
exploitation cinema 课程推荐
大名鼎鼎的纳粹剥削片代表作 不好看 女主太丑了
依据“纳粹第一女魔头”【伊尔斯·科赫】的生平而拍摄,她于1932年加入“纳粹党”,1937年任职于布痕瓦尔德集中营中的看守员,她以虐待囚犯而闻名,其中一项就是喜欢收集囚犯的纹身制作人皮标本,人们称她为“The Bitch of Buchenwald(布痕瓦尔德的婊子)。”————— ◎ 1975【5月【➊】】【T】【2021 ▲ 394】【《纳粹女魔头》系列 第1部 作品】【1小时 36分钟】【原版 ★ 中文字幕】