本片讲述一个双性恋男作家的财色艳遇,充满魔幻想象力和迷梦式奇情,以及妖艳诱惑性、恐怖怪异的黑色死亡,映象奇佳,展现了欧陆式的大胆奔放、机智幽默的风格,是一部惊险悬疑的好片…… The morbid Catholic writer Gerard Reve who is bisexual, alcoholic and has frequent visions of death is invited to give a lecture in the literature club of Vlissingen. While in the railway station in Amsterdam, he feels attracted to a handsome man who embarks on another train. Gerard is introduced to the treasurer of the club and beautician Christine Halsslag, a wealthy widow who owns the Spider beauty shop, and they engage in a one night stand. On the next morning, Gerard sees the picture of Christine's boyfriend Herman and recognizes him as the man he saw in the train station. He urges her to bring Herman to her house to spend a couple of days together, but with the secret intention of seducing the man. Christine travels to Köln to bring her boyfriend and Gerard stays alone in her house. He drinks whiskey and snoops through her safe, finding three film reels with names of men; he decides to watch the footage and discovers that Christine had married each; all of whom died in tragic accidents. Later Gerard believes Christine is a Black Widow and questions whether Herman or he will be her doomed fourth husband.
本片讲述一个双性恋男作家的财色艳遇,充满魔幻想象力和迷梦式奇情,以及妖艳诱惑性、恐怖怪异的黑色死亡,映象奇佳,展现了欧陆式的大胆奔放、机智幽默的风格,是一部惊险悬疑的好片…… The morbid Catholic writer Gerard Reve who is bisexual, alcoholic and has frequent visions of death is invited to give a lecture in the literature club of Vlissingen. While in the railway station in Amsterdam, he feels attracted to a handsome man who embarks on another train. Gerard is introduced to the treasurer of the club and beautician Christine Halsslag, a wealthy widow who owns the Spider beauty shop, and they engage in a one night stand. On the next morning, Gerard sees the picture of Christine's boyfriend Herman and recognizes him as the man he saw in the train station. He urges her to bring Herman to her house to spend a couple of days together, but with the secret intention of seducing the man. Christine travels to Köln to bring her boyfriend and Gerard stays alone in her house. He drinks whiskey and snoops through her safe, finding three film reels with names of men; he decides to watch the footage and discovers that Christine had married each; all of whom died in tragic accidents. Later Gerard believes Christine is a Black Widow and questions whether Herman or he will be her doomed fourth husband.
作为一部b级恐怖情色类型片很不错 范霍文的作品节奏明快 绝不拖泥带水 人物:双性恋作家(自以为是的知识分子 各种性幻想 在教堂扒耶稣的裤衩)有钱寡妇(黑色电影中的蛇蝎女)帅气小鲜肉(给男主在墓地口了一管之后就便当了)
范霍文该不会是个变态吧😨 电影简直是各种性幻想爆发的大合集,爆发到产生幻觉的地步那种。有点像后来本能的情节外加希区柯克的风格。男主角上了蛇蝎女,又迷上小鲜肉,性向仿佛海底针,这些就算了,情欲还那么直白,外加一些宗教元素,看得人直脸红… 但剧情到最后有些编不下去了,费解
一個完全就在裝神弄鬼的故事能撐100分鐘,其實也不簡單。妄想作家 or 蛇蠍美女。雖然跟Don't Look Now一樣有個遮遮掩掩的謎底,但所裝飾的更多是針對類型元素(黑色電影、吸血鬼?)、性別角色、宗教(收尾十字架與蜘蛛的溶)等面向的輕佻玩笑。
看完此片就明白难怪有人评价范霍文是misogynist。可真没觉得femme fatale恐怖的点在哪,就是表情冷点,没心没肺一点,倒是作家被害妄想症挺严重