鲍勃对一切都如此没有把握,他疯狂地寻找里奥医生,想方设法来到里奥的度假地。这次打扰让里奥十分气恼。他美妙的假日时光,他的新书宣传计划,将随着这个病人的到来而发生彻底的改变。更令里奥招架不住的是,他屡屡大费周章支走这个麻烦病人,最终总让自己陷入更大的麻烦,而鲍勃却每每获得众人的支持和喜爱。鲍勃的病一天天好起来,而里奥的霉运远远没有结束。 Doctor Leo Marvin, an egotistical psychotherapist in New York City, is looking forward to his forthcoming appearance on a "Good Morning America" telecast, during which he plans to brag about "Baby Steps," his new book about emotional disorder theories in which he details his philosophy of treating patients and their phobias. Meanwhile, Bob Wiley is a recluse who is so afraid to leave his own apartment that he has to talk himself out the door. When Bob is pawned off on Leo by a psychotherapist colleague, Bob becomes attached to Leo. Leo finds Bob extremely annoying. When Leo accompanies his wife Fay, his daughter Anna, and his son Siggy to a peaceful New Hampshire lakeside cottage for a month-long vacation, Leo thinks he's been freed from Bob. Leo expects to mesmerize his family with his prowess as a brilliant husband and remarkable father who knows all there is to know about instructing his wife and raising his kids. But Bob isn't going to let Leo enjoy a quiet summer by the lake. By cleverly tricking the telephone operator at the doctor's exchange, Bob discovers the whereabouts of Leo and his family. Despite his phobia about traveling alone, Bob somehow manages to talk himself onto a bus, and he arrives in New Hampshire. Leo's vacation comes to a screeching halt the moment he sees Bob. With his witty personality, his ability to manipulate people, and his good sense of humor, Bob quickly becomes an annoyance to Leo, but not to Fay, Anna, and Siggy, because they think Bob is fun while Leo is dull. Fearing that he's losing his family to Bob, Leo frantically tries to find a way to make Bob go back to New York, and it's not as easy as Leo had hoped. Leo finds himself stepping outside the law to try to get Bob to stay away from Fay, Anna, and Siggy--Leo slowly goes berserk, and makes plans to kill Bob.
2018-04-29.。。 @k105 with max and mushy
三星半。Bill Murray太可爱了。想当心理医生先看看这部片23333
I like Bill Murray♡
哈哈哈 笑喷好几次, 特别喜欢Anna!!!天使脸孔啊啊
guys with kids里Nick提过的
bill murray
这片子在豆瓣的分数居然高达7分?人物脸谱化,情节低龄化,笑点老套的就像出土文物,i can not believe my eyes.