强悍、致命且神出鬼没的玛娜娜(Manana)是野生花豹。它可以轻易杀死一名人类。坐在玛娜娜身旁,毫发无伤也没有特殊防护设备的是野生动物摄影师JV,玛娜娜从摄影师身旁掠过,几乎像是触摸他一般。玛娜娜愿意让JV跟随拍摄它狩猎的过程,这样的特权连其他花豹都没有,更别说是人类。 JV和玛娜娜有着独特的友谊,因而有机会接近这谜一般的动物。
Powerful. Deadly. Elusive. Manana is a wild leopard. She could kill a man with ease. Yet besides her sits JV, unarmed and unharmed no bars, no cage. She gently brushes past him, almost touching. Today she will allow him to join her as a hunter, a privilege rarely bestowed on fellow leopards, let alone a human. John Varty, wildlife cameraman, has a unique friendship with this wild cat and has gained access to the mysterious world of one of nature's most enigmatic animals.