2001年,位于布尔吉纳的知名棉织品制造商法索法尼工厂关闭,导致部分员工陷入失业与贫困的悲惨处境中。在这次经济性和社会性的灾难事件发生十年后,米歇尔·宗戈回到他的家乡库杜古,回到这间留有他童年痕迹的工厂。 After it was shut down in 2001, the Faso Fani textile factory in Koudougou, Burkina Faso's third-largest city, was left to rot. It probably figures in the World Bank and IMF archives as one more piece of collateral damage, yet another write-off in a West African sideshow.
2001年,位于布尔吉纳的知名棉织品制造商法索法尼工厂关闭,导致部分员工陷入失业与贫困的悲惨处境中。在这次经济性和社会性的灾难事件发生十年后,米歇尔·宗戈回到他的家乡库杜古,回到这间留有他童年痕迹的工厂。 After it was shut down in 2001, the Faso Fani textile factory in Koudougou, Burkina Faso's third-largest city, was left to rot. It probably figures in the World Bank and IMF archives as one more piece of collateral damage, yet another write-off in a West African sideshow.