政府腐败蛇鼠一窝,清廉注定无运行。杀无赦的法官终于敌不过「时代洪流」,遭贬谪后又不幸遭流弹射中,成了哑子。他不甘吃黄连,要找出真凶,那可是仇家?桉件结下的樑子八百,他认定那八百中之一,找上贪警,像唐吉诃德傻瓜式单打独斗。一如前作《十月的神蹟》(35 届),韦加兄弟以小人物乖行告诉你国家问题有几深重,明明绝路一条,再走下去就是黑黑的超现实了,我们的主角,遇敌杀敌,违背原则在所不惜,他以面部神经冷面演绎哑佬,精彩绝伦,获封罗迦诺电影节影帝。
Someone is out to get Constantino Zegarra. At least that's what Constantino Zegarra believes - and he has his reasons. His car window is smashed, he receives a career-killing demotion, and then, while driving at night, he's hit in the neck by what appears to have been a stray bullet. Or was it? Constantino is a judge with no sympathy for sob stories and an impressive conviction rate.
7/10. FAP 20210914@Instituto Cervantes. 男主最后被迫异化卷入歌舞升平,像极了放映前各路外事、文化人士的社交场面,一时难以分清电影和现实。
墨西哥的现实主义, 中餐馆.