Follow Chiyo, the man who participated in the revolution of El Salvador during the 1980s when he was just 13 years old. The places, the guerrilla methods and the psychology behind the people who join a revolution against a fascist government during the final years of the Cold War.
Follow Chiyo, the man who participated in the revolution of El Salvador during the 1980s when he was just 13 years old. The places, the guerrilla methods and the psychology behind the people who join a revolution against a fascist government during the final years of the Cold War.
古巴仅此一家,无线电台,游击战满满的是古巴革命的影子,可惜萨尔瓦多树林没有那么茂盛参天,时至20年后冷战巅峰也已过,犹如FSLN把社会主义革命火炬传到FMLN手上,但是大环境下氧气已变得稀薄,相对少数印第安人口/高度天主教化之下教会站在极多数贫困大众一侧,12年内战终止之前甚有避免操戈的劝退无线电,而纪念殉难勇士日上频繁出现似印第安人反抗西班牙人入侵者壁画图案,再联想到Roque Dalton所言并溯源横向纵向比较萨尔瓦多/危地马拉/尼加拉瓜内战相当有料