1999年,传说中的地球末日。母亲的逝世,让司狼神威(关智一 配音)回到了阔别6年之久的东京,与当初青梅竹马的兄妹俩桃生封真(成田剑 配音)和桃生小鸟(岩男润子 配音)重逢。而这段重逢开启了一段命运的大门。这段命定的重逢关系着地球的安危和人类的未来。而神威则是一切的关键,是两大敌对势力“天之龙”与“地之龙”所争夺的对象。对于世界会变成怎样,神威并不在乎。但小鸟和封真已卷入了这场世纪的争斗,为了守护心爱的女孩和青梅竹马的伙伴,神威最终选择了“天之龙”,捍卫地球和人类,而封真则站在了他的对立面。一场命运之战就此拉开序幕,无数人卷入其中,死亡变的触手可及,而一切却已无法阻止……
本片改编自CLAMP的同名漫画,自1992年开始连载,漫画目前处于休刊中,尚未完结。 The story takes place in 1999, the Year of Destiny, and the beginning of the end of the world. The future of the universe rests on one young man, Kamui Shiro, who must destroy either the Dragons of Earth or the Dragons of Heaven - two opposing armies. He alone must decide whether humanity should be destroyed to create a purified universe, or whether it should be protected to preserve civilization. Two oracles, the sisters Hinoto and Kanoe foresee the coming of the Dragons and predict opposite outcomes. Each sister gathers strength and ammunition to insure her own vision for the future. However, neither sister realizes that there is one man who has an even greater power than the Dragons, and that ultimately he will determine the fate of the earth. Which sister will prevail and how does Kamui fit into their struggle? The answer to this question will forever affect humanity.
本片改编自CLAMP的同名漫画,自1992年开始连载,漫画目前处于休刊中,尚未完结。 The story takes place in 1999, the Year of Destiny, and the beginning of the end of the world. The future of the universe rests on one young man, Kamui Shiro, who must destroy either the Dragons of Earth or the Dragons of Heaven - two opposing armies. He alone must decide whether humanity should be destroyed to create a purified universe, or whether it should be protected to preserve civilization. Two oracles, the sisters Hinoto and Kanoe foresee the coming of the Dragons and predict opposite outcomes. Each sister gathers strength and ammunition to insure her own vision for the future. However, neither sister realizes that there is one man who has an even greater power than the Dragons, and that ultimately he will determine the fate of the earth. Which sister will prevail and how does Kamui fit into their struggle? The answer to this question will forever affect humanity.
二星改编…剧情走的太快了,一路死就完了,啥也没拍出来… 多一星给神曲和与动画不同的结局(这下漫画结局到底…
怎么没有在看那栏,被美哭呜呜呜呜 96年的卧槽地龙特效绝了卧槽 人物画风也喜欢不行我得给五星😭画面 人设美绝呜呜呜呜呜 疯狂截图结城信辉orz 原来也是clover的人设和作画监督剧情太黑了卧槽 驸马黑到底了 杀光了 据弹幕说当年盛行盖亚意识和阿赖耶识对立全死 抱头痛哭 鸟容易嘛鸟 游人太惨了 输出全靠口臭w原来forever love出自这卧槽 正好外面下雨了啊啊啊啊去看东京默示录甜会
篇幅有限 故事过于紧凑 简直就是直接开战。比tv版更邪典,血腥压抑……意识流很多,结局什么鬼。