在布达佩斯酒馆卖艺的扎拉(嘉宝 饰演)是一个得不到满足、沉迷于酒精的美丽女人。平日里,她被许多男人所追求,与小说家卡尔·索尔特住在一起。一天,一个陌生的男人托尼找上门来,宣称扎拉的真名是玛丽亚,是他好友布鲁诺的妻子。他还说,扎拉在十年前,也就是第一次世界大战的时候,失去了记忆。扎拉虽然对此毫无印象,但还是跟随托尼决定回去看看,这让索尔特大为光火。
布鲁诺现在是意大利的陆军军官,他竭尽全力唤起玛丽亚对昔日时光的记忆。不过,没有一个人真的能确认扎拉就是玛丽亚。而这时,索尔特又现身告诉庄园中的人玛丽亚其实另有其人。布鲁诺和所有人一起绝望的寻找着真相…… Budapest bar entertainer Zara is a discontented alcoholic who is pursued by many men but lives with novelist Carl Salter. A strange man (Tony) shows up on Salter's estate claiming that Zara is actually Maria, the wife of his close friend Bruno. Maria, Tony claims, had her memory destroyed during a World War I invasion ten years ago. Zara doesn't remember but leaves with Tony to Salter's dismay. Bruno, now an officer in the Italian army, tries to coax Maria's memory back on his large estate. No one is really sure if Zara is Maria, and when Salter shows up with a mental case that he claims is the real Maria, everyone on Bruno's estate is desperately searching for the truth.
布鲁诺现在是意大利的陆军军官,他竭尽全力唤起玛丽亚对昔日时光的记忆。不过,没有一个人真的能确认扎拉就是玛丽亚。而这时,索尔特又现身告诉庄园中的人玛丽亚其实另有其人。布鲁诺和所有人一起绝望的寻找着真相…… Budapest bar entertainer Zara is a discontented alcoholic who is pursued by many men but lives with novelist Carl Salter. A strange man (Tony) shows up on Salter's estate claiming that Zara is actually Maria, the wife of his close friend Bruno. Maria, Tony claims, had her memory destroyed during a World War I invasion ten years ago. Zara doesn't remember but leaves with Tony to Salter's dismay. Bruno, now an officer in the Italian army, tries to coax Maria's memory back on his large estate. No one is really sure if Zara is Maria, and when Salter shows up with a mental case that he claims is the real Maria, everyone on Bruno's estate is desperately searching for the truth.
Cast:Greta Garbo厌恶综合征;默男Owen Moore;勉强算作的默女Hedda Hopper P.S. 比历史遗留问题还要久远的遗留问题①解决…
Maria 原型已经失去了意义
Is she or isn`t she???Not that it matters but......