本是家乡暴走族中一员的的场辽介(松冈昌宏 饰)来到了东京寻求发展。可繁华的大都市似乎没有他的容身之处,处处碰壁的他意外进入到一家名为罗密欧的店工作。愈夜愈繁华的店实则为一家牛郎店,性格冲动且不知该如何取悦女性的辽介起初也处处碰壁。他被分在了不怎么受欢迎的小组,而罗密欧的店内NO.1是名叫圣也(北村一辉 饰)的万人迷。不相信任何人和爱情的他对待女人却很有一套,而辽介的目标则是成为超越圣也的夜王。可横在他面前的首要任务是,如何让女性开始指名点他。关于夜晚的故事登场,这是要成为夜王的男人和形形色色女性的故事。
本片改编自同名漫画。 Romeo is the foremost host club in Kabukicho, thanks in no small part to the Seiya faction, and the dazzling Seiya himself (Kitamura Kazuki); with his innate charm and eccentric style, it is not surprising that he has held the title of No. 1 host for so long, but ambition yet burns within him. On the other hand, newcomer Ryosuke Matoba (Matsuoka Masahiro) struggles to keep his job as his innocence and good intentions toward clients come off as ignorance and sanctimony; conflicted, he attempts to reconcile his idealism with the reality of what it means to be a host. After nearly causing catastrophe for Romeo (which is saved only by Seiya's quick wits) and threatened with disciplinary action, Ryosuke resolves himself to challenge the best and reach No. 1 status his way. Though both may toil intensely and sacrifice immensely, only one will emerge as the Night King.
本片改编自同名漫画。 Romeo is the foremost host club in Kabukicho, thanks in no small part to the Seiya faction, and the dazzling Seiya himself (Kitamura Kazuki); with his innate charm and eccentric style, it is not surprising that he has held the title of No. 1 host for so long, but ambition yet burns within him. On the other hand, newcomer Ryosuke Matoba (Matsuoka Masahiro) struggles to keep his job as his innocence and good intentions toward clients come off as ignorance and sanctimony; conflicted, he attempts to reconcile his idealism with the reality of what it means to be a host. After nearly causing catastrophe for Romeo (which is saved only by Seiya's quick wits) and threatened with disciplinary action, Ryosuke resolves himself to challenge the best and reach No. 1 status his way. Though both may toil intensely and sacrifice immensely, only one will emerge as the Night King.
咳咳,大驴脸还是不要留那种发型勒,而且漫画里也不是这样的中分,不明就里的曾经的MABO颜粉好疑惑造型师的洞基。漫画里嘉纳丽美和辽介是有一腿的,这里拍的很隐讳。「歌舞伎町四天王」这种Boss级设定吐槽无能,最难得的是这么多年了还能看到保阪尚希哎。Mr.Traveling Man好听湿了。
- -松冈啊你长成这样还好意思出来卖?随便一个打酱油的都比你有姿色 -怎么和北村大叔比啊……再怎么热血励志也不能当饭吃
OP、ED都太嗲了啊!每次音乐一响我就燃地不得了!剧中的的要润太帅了!北村大叔太强调了!店长尼桑和牛郎大叔笑死我了 233
里面虽然不都是美男 但是都很有气质 讲的是日本歌舞伎的牛郎的情景 虽然身边一女说以后又机会一定去歌舞伎包牛郎 但是 我觉得可以的话 我根本不想认识牛郎 题外话 北村一辉超级帅的!
恩 好久以前看的 也没看完 忍就不能稍微男性化点么 。。。