婚姻失败的理查德(约翰•豪克斯 饰)与艺术家克里斯蒂娜(米兰达•朱莱 饰)被命运牵扯到了一起。尽管理查德因为婚姻的失败变得性格怪异,难以相处,另一方面儿子们的存在成为他努力生活的动力。克里斯蒂娜则有自己的艺术梦想,她是个前卫、天马行空的人,她希望自己的作品能被众人认同。两人的背景大相径庭,理查德还是被迷人的克里斯蒂娜深深吸引了,可是当他们走在一起后需要共同面对理查德的儿子们——14岁的彼得与7岁的罗比。这两名孩子都有着自己不为人知的一面,理查德极力了解自己的儿子们,成为儿子的榜样,但总是不得要领。
一重重复杂的人际关系,理查德与克里斯蒂娜将如何面对? 'Me and You and Everyone We Know' is a poetic and penetrating observation of how people struggle to connect with one another in an isolating and contemporary world. Christine Jesperson is a lonely artist and "Eldercab" driver who uses her fantastical artistic visions to draw her aspirations and objects of desire closer to her. Richard Swersey, a newly single shoe salesman and father of two boys, is prepared for amazing things to happen. But when he meets the captivating Christine, he panics. Life is not so oblique for Richard's six-year-old Robby, who is having a risqué Internet romance with a stranger, and his fourteen-year-old brother Peter who becomes the guinea pig for neighborhood girls -- practicing for their future of romance and marriage.
一重重复杂的人际关系,理查德与克里斯蒂娜将如何面对? 'Me and You and Everyone We Know' is a poetic and penetrating observation of how people struggle to connect with one another in an isolating and contemporary world. Christine Jesperson is a lonely artist and "Eldercab" driver who uses her fantastical artistic visions to draw her aspirations and objects of desire closer to her. Richard Swersey, a newly single shoe salesman and father of two boys, is prepared for amazing things to happen. But when he meets the captivating Christine, he panics. Life is not so oblique for Richard's six-year-old Robby, who is having a risqué Internet romance with a stranger, and his fourteen-year-old brother Peter who becomes the guinea pig for neighborhood girls -- practicing for their future of romance and marriage.
每个人都是一座孤岛,我们凭借想象力和羞涩去关联彼此。 / 这部电影只比我小一天,同龄人还是蛮容易产生共鸣的。
不很理解,看起来像我中学时期会喜欢的不明所以的类型,有"match my weirdo"的萌感,但太萌了,指每个角色都好像孩童
Me and You and Everyone We Know
无厘头又真实 很喜欢最后把画挂在树上的镜头