A compilation of short films exploring first love, revenge, new beginnings and more are unwrapped in this exciting collection from first-time directors from Portugal, Taiwan, Belgium, the UK and the USA.
A compilation of short films exploring first love, revenge, new beginnings and more are unwrapped in this exciting collection from first-time directors from Portugal, Taiwan, Belgium, the UK and the USA.
6,七部短片,质量不错。 1.Cigano 2.talking to my mother对妈妈说 3.Dawn(2012)破晓 4.split milk 5.dinner confession亲密告白 6.Pittsburgh(2013) 7.kiss me softly 越南导演Leon le的两部短片收录(2、3),长篇《双郎》可以加个期待。 华语两部是合集最一般的,没什么亮点。 3、4为本合集最佳
故事1-人不可貌相 故事2-瞎烂空洞 故事3-没有猜到这个反转 故事4-短片想讲两个不同的故事有些吃力不讨好 故事5-这个台湾家庭在茶几上吃饭?超尴尬超白目 故事6-惨 故事7-烂尾