独身女子妮可(Agnes Bruckner 饰)独自一人居住在童年成长起来的房子内,她和母亲长久以来心存隔阂,与姐姐安妮(Caity Lotz 饰)也总在争吵中度过,自己的女儿也被托付在友人莉兹(Kathleen Rose Perkins 饰)处照料。她的生活似乎一团糟,却又不得不硬着头皮面对。某天,妮可突然与外界失去联系,担心她的安全,安妮从住处赶了过来,却始终没有发现妹妹的踪迹,而房间内则时时听到奇怪的声音。这种情况愈演愈烈,诡异恐怖的事件接连发生。
种种不同寻常的遭遇,促使安妮去寻找这一切背后的真相。在这一过程中,隐藏了多年的事实渐渐浮出水面,而死神的脚步声也日渐清晰…… Nichole Barlow comes to San Pedro with her daughter Eva to attend the funeral of her mother. She calls her estranged sister Annie to help her to resolve pending businesses, but Annie is too traumatized with the bad treatment spent by their mother and does not want to return to their childhood home. Nichole convinces her sister to come and she arrives to the funeral. However, Nichole goes missing and Eva stays with Nichole's cousin Liz. When Liz also disappears, Annie claims that supernatural events happen in the house but she becomes the prime-suspect. The open-minded detective Bill Creek assumes the investigation and realizes that there is something weird in the house. Meanwhile Annie summons the medium Stevie believing that the ghost of her mother is responsible for the vanishing of Nichole and Liz. But the woman warns Annie that there is a great danger in the house. Annie decides to go further in her investigation and discovers dark secrets from the past of her family.
种种不同寻常的遭遇,促使安妮去寻找这一切背后的真相。在这一过程中,隐藏了多年的事实渐渐浮出水面,而死神的脚步声也日渐清晰…… Nichole Barlow comes to San Pedro with her daughter Eva to attend the funeral of her mother. She calls her estranged sister Annie to help her to resolve pending businesses, but Annie is too traumatized with the bad treatment spent by their mother and does not want to return to their childhood home. Nichole convinces her sister to come and she arrives to the funeral. However, Nichole goes missing and Eva stays with Nichole's cousin Liz. When Liz also disappears, Annie claims that supernatural events happen in the house but she becomes the prime-suspect. The open-minded detective Bill Creek assumes the investigation and realizes that there is something weird in the house. Meanwhile Annie summons the medium Stevie believing that the ghost of her mother is responsible for the vanishing of Nichole and Liz. But the woman warns Annie that there is a great danger in the house. Annie decides to go further in her investigation and discovers dark secrets from the past of her family.
261 名侦探柯鬼。。。