Yasmin has lived an almost normal life as a German ever since she was three years old. The family fled from Somalia during the civil war and now lives scattered around the globe. When Yasmin's grandmother no longer wants to stay in her Ethiopian exile, a transnational family drama evolves, circling around the essential question: Where is Granny to live? And suddenly, the family confronts their own aspirations: Have they actually arrived where they want to be? GLOBAL FAMILY is a twistful documentary about a transnational family drama, in which four generations of a refugee family each pursue their own dreams of family, home, and future.
每年去docnyc都要自建一个条目。一个关于散落世界各地(德国、意大利、加拿大、埃塞俄比亚)的四世同堂的索马里难民家庭的故事,当然第四代移民早就对于接收国的认同远强于索马里。切入点很有趣,是最年长一代的养老问题,不愿继续和在埃塞俄比亚的儿子同住,而在欧美的子女又个个自身难保,一时无力为她申请移民签证,曾是索马里国家足球队队长的儿子特地携女儿和孙辈去埃塞俄比亚解决这个家庭危机。除了很多验证现有关于二三代移民研究的场景,最让我动容的还是成年七尺男儿面对母亲的要求无能为力,惭愧到只能垂泪。算是很好地展现了全球视野下难民家庭四散各地的面临的困境,片子有点太注重让story speaks for itself,适当放些背景和前因后果的剖析应该会更有意思。