Mytho Logique is a 3D animation short film directed by 5 students during their last year at ESMA : Jessica Ambron, Amandine Aramini, Alexandre Belbari, Guillaume Poitel et Yannick Vincent.
A boy with goat horns and legs is too truthful for his own good. He has to deal with centaurs, nymphs and other olympian gods as he aci dentally places himself in an accidental lie. 暂无
A boy with goat horns and legs is too truthful for his own good. He has to deal with centaurs, nymphs and other olympian gods as he aci dentally places himself in an accidental lie. 暂无
oh la la ~
神逻辑 5个学生一年时间做的 灵感该是来自油画<宁芙与萨堤尔> 用了不少希腊神话的捏他 这倒霉羊蹄人因为想象力贫乏不会讲吉祥话被女友甩了后一连串事故让一众神明/精灵/半人马把他当成了痴汉 最后不得不撒个谎以免被揍死--这让他成了传奇 结局嘛 技术上来讲宙斯是男女通吃的 所以是HE?