在接下来的技能比武过程中,斯派克想尽各种办法干掉德鲁比,但是幸运的德鲁比总能化险为夷,在各种陷阱和毒害中存活下来…… Droopy and Spike find themselves in a Boy Scout competition, with the first prize being a handshake with the President. As usual, Droopy tries to win in a fair and sportsman-like manner, while Spike pulls every dirty trick in the book. These dirty tricks, however, seem to have a nasty habit of back-firing.
在接下来的技能比武过程中,斯派克想尽各种办法干掉德鲁比,但是幸运的德鲁比总能化险为夷,在各种陷阱和毒害中存活下来…… Droopy and Spike find themselves in a Boy Scout competition, with the first prize being a handshake with the President. As usual, Droopy tries to win in a fair and sportsman-like manner, while Spike pulls every dirty trick in the book. These dirty tricks, however, seem to have a nasty habit of back-firing.