Detached is a contemporary Scrooge tale set in the Hollywood Hills that follows Chadh Campbell, an unscrupulous mortgage broker, as he receives a stream of anonymous holiday greetings during Christmas Eve and Day. As Chadh searches for the perpetrator of this "festive" assault he must face the unfavorable reality of just how many people he's harmed during his life, forcing him to confront how emotionally detached from those around him he's become.
sickness of the heart
No way to detach from the world unless to detach from oneself first.
在黑暗中划一根火柴照亮自己,温暖他人。人性的美就是知道不可能改变世界,只是努力地企图不要被世界完全改变自己。加谬的远离主义:never have i felt so deeply at one, and the same time so detached from myself and so present at the world. 奥斯卡男主角全身投入,对白直指人心,感同身受。
never have i felt so deeply at one, and the same time so detached from myself and so present in the world