这只毫无战斗经验的小狗,临危受命担任起狗类的统帅,狗军师们帮他出谋划策。众狗各施所长,就连人类惯用的卧底招数也成为了这场猫狗大战的超级战术!看来小卢要在复杂的“战况”中鼓足斗志才行。 A secret war between cats and dogs quickly peaks as Professor Brody a scientist tries to create a serum to cure dog allergies in humans. As the unsuspecting humans go through their busy lives, the cats make several attempts to possess the formula, as their canine foes try tirelessly to stop them. Caught in the crossfire, a young beagle named Lou, adopted by the Brody family, tries hard to succeed as a secret agent, and in being a friend to the young Scotty Brody. A evil snow white cat named Mr. Tinkles is planning to sabotage the efforts of Professor Brody to discover a cure for human allergies to dogs. And he'll even make every person on Earth allergic to dogs so that he can take over the world with his army of evil cats!
这只毫无战斗经验的小狗,临危受命担任起狗类的统帅,狗军师们帮他出谋划策。众狗各施所长,就连人类惯用的卧底招数也成为了这场猫狗大战的超级战术!看来小卢要在复杂的“战况”中鼓足斗志才行。 A secret war between cats and dogs quickly peaks as Professor Brody a scientist tries to create a serum to cure dog allergies in humans. As the unsuspecting humans go through their busy lives, the cats make several attempts to possess the formula, as their canine foes try tirelessly to stop them. Caught in the crossfire, a young beagle named Lou, adopted by the Brody family, tries hard to succeed as a secret agent, and in being a friend to the young Scotty Brody. A evil snow white cat named Mr. Tinkles is planning to sabotage the efforts of Professor Brody to discover a cure for human allergies to dogs. And he'll even make every person on Earth allergic to dogs so that he can take over the world with his army of evil cats!
齐泽克曾经说,他喜欢在陌生领域寻找阶级斗争,对于猫和狗也是一样:猫很懒、邪恶、剥削我们,狗则是忠诚的、努力工作的。 这部电影就是典型的中产与劳动者的代表——狗党击败妄图独霸世界的资产阶级代表——猫党集团的故事。
电影频道。没想到这是2001年的电影。还有,这不应该是动画吧?—— 《猫狗大战》影片中的动物根据镜头需求分别由真猫真狗、机械模型、电脑动画三部分组成,影片的拍摄过程一共动用了27只狗和33只猫,27名训兽员和数以吨计的宠物食品,配合上真人实景、傀儡道具和3D立体动画等多重繁复科技所组合而成的动作喜剧。-百科
可以看的点全在那只肥古牧身上嘛 查尔登海斯顿大爷戴了个眼罩 出了张嘴巴就拿了个金酸梅 这也太亏了点
喵星人VS汪星人 喵星人饰演反面角色;汪星人则是人类忠诚的伙伴
那只大叔嗓音的貓好煩啊。。而且 又見蒼蠅人叔叔
虽说是一部纯粹的喜剧动画 但在无聊的时候看看 还是蛮有趣的。 我对于人与狗之间的感情 还是毫无抵抗力。 看到小男孩抱着小卢的画面 我还是情不自禁的流眼泪了。