长久以来,里奇(尼克·梅 Nick May 饰)都扮演着“电灯泡”的角色,夹在西蒙(Tom Merlino 饰)和多米尼克(Damián Fuentes 饰)这对恋人之间,在监视他们对感情保持忠诚的同时,里奇对西蒙也抱有着暧昧的好感。
圣诞节即将来临,大屋子里又只剩下里奇一人看家了,四处都是热烈的节日气氛,唯有屋子里充斥着孤独和冰冷的空气。为了填补内心的寂寞,里奇开始了混乱的生活,躺在身旁的男人们不停的轮换,却没有一人愿意停留下来停一停里奇的心声,痛苦不堪的里奇想到了自杀。就在这个节骨眼上,一个名叫布莱克(Blake Young-Fountain 饰)的男人出现在了他的面前,在布莱克的善良和无微不至的关怀下,里奇能够重拾活下去的希望吗? Gay couple Simon (Tom Merlino) and DJ (Brian Patacca) are going on a holiday vacation, they've asked Ricky (Nick May) to house sit for them.....What role does Ricky really plays in the gay couple's lives? A houseboy, a house sitter or the unofficial third lover????? As Christmas is coming nearer, Ricky decided to while away the time by online hook ups and tricks A plan is building inside Ricky, he will have a surprise Christmas present to the gay couple when they come back......Will Ricky continue this plan on Christmas Eve?????
圣诞节即将来临,大屋子里又只剩下里奇一人看家了,四处都是热烈的节日气氛,唯有屋子里充斥着孤独和冰冷的空气。为了填补内心的寂寞,里奇开始了混乱的生活,躺在身旁的男人们不停的轮换,却没有一人愿意停留下来停一停里奇的心声,痛苦不堪的里奇想到了自杀。就在这个节骨眼上,一个名叫布莱克(Blake Young-Fountain 饰)的男人出现在了他的面前,在布莱克的善良和无微不至的关怀下,里奇能够重拾活下去的希望吗? Gay couple Simon (Tom Merlino) and DJ (Brian Patacca) are going on a holiday vacation, they've asked Ricky (Nick May) to house sit for them.....What role does Ricky really plays in the gay couple's lives? A houseboy, a house sitter or the unofficial third lover????? As Christmas is coming nearer, Ricky decided to while away the time by online hook ups and tricks A plan is building inside Ricky, he will have a surprise Christmas present to the gay couple when they come back......Will Ricky continue this plan on Christmas Eve?????
实在是poorly made。。。。。。
男主角因空虛而一次又一次419,然後開始叨逼叨他的聖誕夜自殺計劃,後來辦性愛毒品趴卻又置身事外,情感缺失也不能解釋一切。男二號要扮演救贖者角色卻毫無作為,《A Single Man》里Nicholas Hoult起碼還會陪Colin Firth半夜裸泳,男主角吞完安眠藥后他再按下門鈴就算任務完成了麽!
he's so lonely
男主真的是太cute了 有点小胖 小幼稚
appreciate the wise HIV positive guy and the "you're just a baby" bit
圣诞温情与现实残酷的对比强烈,男主so cute~演员表现不错~细节抓的很准~或者是本色演出