Gringo miner Gallager is caught up in the Mexican revolution of 1910-11 when corrupt administrator Ruiz appropriates his mine. Gallager saves the life of guerilla leader Raquel, then finds there's a price on his head; he becomes romantically involved with her in the course of a series of rescues and ambushes, leading up to Orozco's march on Ciudad Juarez.
文本太平淡 视觉上的3D设计也太平面
环球第一部3D Technicolor film?剧情真的好无聊,3D也没什么特别亮眼的表现,一旦没有怼镜头的戏码,3D看起来就很没有吸引力。动作戏挺多的,多名特技演员受伤。剧情和标题完全无关,既没猎鹰也没翅。