夜幕降临,万籁俱寂,而下界传来了阵阵长号的声音。可以说那根本不是音乐,简直是能将人折磨致死的噪音,连高坐云端的天神朱庇特和他的儿子——摩羯座守护神权神伏尔甘(John McLeish 配音)都不堪折磨,却无计可施。音乐来自皮特(比利·布莱彻 Billy Bletcher 配音),这个自私的家伙插着耳塞,在自家肆无忌惮地练习,吵得一旁准备睡觉的唐老鸭(克拉伦斯·纳什 Clarence Nash 配音)无法入眠。唐老鸭登门抗议,反而被皮特赶了出来,皮特甚至打电话到唐纳德的家骚扰。朱庇特和伏尔甘见到这一幕,突然想出办法,决定用法术助唐老鸭一臂之力。
弱小的唐纳德有法术相助,于是展开了对皮特的惩罚…… Pegleg Pete is practicing his trombone, badly. So badly, it's annoying the gods Jupiter and Vulcan and neighbor Donald. Only Donald has the temerity to confront him. He does, and Pete kicks him back home. The gods see this, and decide to give Donald a little bit of power which instantly goes to his head.
弱小的唐纳德有法术相助,于是展开了对皮特的惩罚…… Pegleg Pete is practicing his trombone, badly. So badly, it's annoying the gods Jupiter and Vulcan and neighbor Donald. Only Donald has the temerity to confront him. He does, and Pete kicks him back home. The gods see this, and decide to give Donald a little bit of power which instantly goes to his head.