This delightful burlesque of Alexandre Dumas' famous adventure narrative (and then-leading screen swashbuckler Douglas Fairbanks' hit films) represented one of writer/director/star Max Linder's attempts to conquer Hollywood on its own turf. He'd been an enormous star in early silent cinema, influencing the style of such subsequent silent comedy luminaries as Charles Chaplin and Buster Keaton. But his health suffered after he was gassed fighting for France in World War I. Despite the support of Chaplin himself (among others), his subsequent career in America never reached the popular heights he had at home. The commercial failure of this final U.S. effort seems particularly bewildering now, since THE THREE MUST-GET-THERES holds up so well. This spoof has the antic star as Dart-in-Again, a rapier-wielding dandy with a lovelorn horse (pining for the cow it left behind in the country) and a tendency to make an idiot of himself whilst attempting to conquer the forces of tyranny. Making ...
无厘头喜剧的开山鼻祖,高科技产品穿梭时光不在话下,如抬着走的马车式汽车和树上的电话。人物身材的前后差异带来的爆笑效果,在周星驰的《功夫》中被再次使用。象征的陀螺,预示着事态的发展。拔秃顶上的头发,等同于除掉火枪手。马对牛的情谊,和流泪的大眼睛,Max Linder心思太细腻了。
拍得好很多的Mel Brooks。台詞、造型絕妙,主教拔頭髮跟主角趕路的交叉剪接,和Fairbanks原版一比,超級智障!給馬打嗎啡後變慢動作的最後一分鐘救援。