犹太女人维德里兹夫人(Arita Trahan 阿丽塔•泰汉 饰)看望其在异地求学的儿子,却意外发现儿子查理(Jeffrey Kite 杰弗瑞•凯特 饰)竟与一个年轻女子共处一室。少女贝丝(Henrietta Meire 饰)不过是查理的同学兼室友,但古板的维德里兹夫人却不这么想。晚餐期间,她不断试探两个孩子,却未找到任何蛛丝马迹。这位执著的夫人丝毫不放弃,一心要找到两人背后的秘密,临走时,她拿走了厨房的一个汤勺……
本片荣获2007年银浪电影节(Silver Wave Film Festival)银浪最佳短片奖。 An older traditional Jewish woman goes over to her son's house for dinner and discovers that he has a "platonic" female room-mate. Curious about the exact nature of their relationship, Mrs. Widelitz seeks to uncover the truth.
本片荣获2007年银浪电影节(Silver Wave Film Festival)银浪最佳短片奖。 An older traditional Jewish woman goes over to her son's house for dinner and discovers that he has a "platonic" female room-mate. Curious about the exact nature of their relationship, Mrs. Widelitz seeks to uncover the truth.