"Our memory is so unreliable - sometimes what we see might as well be the future." -Johanna F. What we see is the everyday life of a Viennese family in the 1950's, documented by 13-year-old Johanna, a childhood captured on 8mm film (or: a childhood as it might have been). Fragments of family history and family secrets; an apartment regularly visited by women, more than men, centered around grandmother Maria who holds weekly cooking clubs in her kitchen. But somehow, the women never actually seem to do any cooking - - - "Papa always said you have to be quick if you want to see anything. Because everything vanishes so quickly. But I don't think that's true. I think you just have to keep looking". And Johanna keeps looking. Until the camera's gaze suddenly turns on herself.
第二次世界大战后在奥地利的家庭生活看似平常:乔安娜(Johanna)接管了父亲的旧Super 8相机并观察了她的亲戚。妹妹,小狗科拉,母亲,祖父母,以及最重要的是,许多喝烈酒和抽烟的妇女一直聚集在公寓的“祖母烹饪俱乐部”。唯一的区别是人们实际上从不做饭,因为家庭保守秘密。在战后维也纳,一个女孩用父亲的胶片相机记录了她的家庭生活和房屋中的事件,父亲过早地去世了。拍摄主角Johanna患有小儿麻痹症,因此她对房屋的感知始终受到限制。稀有1080P下载收藏