A free-spirited singer whose love of music has him performing on the streets, Kang In Soo's life revolves completely around music. Supported by his friends, In Soo hopes to someday turn his love of music into a full-time career, but doing so isn't easy. Refusing to give up on his dreams, In Soo continues busking, day in and day out, while his best friend, Choi Min Sung, records his performances and uploads them on YouTube. Little does either of them know that In Soo's performances have caught the attention of someone who could change the young musician's life forever. A keyboardist working at a major record company, Yoon Sang Yi is always on the lookout for new talent. After stumbling upon In Soo's videos, Sang Yi has become one of the singer's biggest fans. Convinced In Soo could make it big, he recommends the young artist join his company's rookie discovery project. Seeing this opportunity in this invitation, In Soo accepts the offer and soon moves into the company residence with ...
不得不说,小助理的青涩感真的是十足,而且,wish for you这首歌真的是很适合,为什么要求那么高呢?看开心了不就好了么?至少wish for you可以让我单曲循环一段时间😘
挺帅的 颜还🉑️
太!难!看!了!脸!演技!剧情!本来想睡前看一下healing的 直接让我倒在沙发上睡成猪!
还蛮 errr 不太吸引我
这个真的气死人,你敢相信一个每集保持在8—12分的剧可以在无关紧要的剧情上那么那么那么拖!!!所以就导致正经的感情线发展让你随时感觉自己跳了20集🙃🙃🙃。最后一集是tmd在开玩笑么!一共10分钟,开场唱了4分钟歌!配的画面就是一个在屋里干坐一个在海边干站,两个来回切换,导演我是不是还得谢谢你啊,怕我们疲劳,中间还放了10几秒的纯海浪,我tmd。。。。 4分后终于有剧情了,呵就说了3分钟的话加亲了个吻,还是动都不动的硬怼干亲,我nm,这都算了,3分后又又又唱歌!!!直接给我唱到全剧终,我被气笑了。我一分都不想给的,但演员颜值我个人是还算喜欢的,攻的身材是真的不错,加上两个人的眼神那种小心翼翼和害羞,尤其是受,演的真的还可以,画面美(真tm美啊),演技也不尬,除了导演编剧没脑子,都好!!
ost好听,就当是mv好了… (听说影版细节更多节奏更好 但我找不到啊5555
第七集 接吻后的音乐还挺好听
啊 这稀碎的剧情啊 就是个加长版mv啊 磨磨唧唧强行亲了两口敷衍了事 中间的互动发展一点也没有 就很突然 受比较好看 攻需要找角度/210130