希望每個觀眾都可以在這四段關係中,找到自己生命記憶中的一段過往;或者,正在面對的進行式…… Eight characters; four relationships; two outcomes; and one result. CHENG,WEI-YEN and CHU TZU met in a street movement and become lovers when they were students. To keep on pursuing social justice they decided one of them will take care of bread-winning issues when the other can devote into their idea for the future. For 6 years they fought in hardship, yet eventually discovered the \"future\" can't escape from the shadow of present, and the \"present\" craves for affirmative future. HSU,CHENG and TING,WEI-WEI are enviable golden couple who both working in IT-industry. They keep an open-marriage for years. Turning the age of 36, they had to ask: if marriage is a logical choice, what about having babies? Li lost his wife in his middle-age and he never re-married until a new residence moved into the elderly home he lives. She was his middle school beauty, goddess in his youth dream. Li decides to take a chance to embrace Zhang into his limited live, and it turned out to be the end of love. KAO,SHAO-WEI had a crash on his high school English teacher LI,YI-LUN, and he braced up to pursue YI-LUN when he bumped into her years after his graduation. Her beauty and melancholy are mysterious and fascinating as ever. It remains mystery to SHAO-WEI why people can be physically, intimately combined, while the relationship was not?
希望每個觀眾都可以在這四段關係中,找到自己生命記憶中的一段過往;或者,正在面對的進行式…… Eight characters; four relationships; two outcomes; and one result. CHENG,WEI-YEN and CHU TZU met in a street movement and become lovers when they were students. To keep on pursuing social justice they decided one of them will take care of bread-winning issues when the other can devote into their idea for the future. For 6 years they fought in hardship, yet eventually discovered the \"future\" can't escape from the shadow of present, and the \"present\" craves for affirmative future. HSU,CHENG and TING,WEI-WEI are enviable golden couple who both working in IT-industry. They keep an open-marriage for years. Turning the age of 36, they had to ask: if marriage is a logical choice, what about having babies? Li lost his wife in his middle-age and he never re-married until a new residence moved into the elderly home he lives. She was his middle school beauty, goddess in his youth dream. Li decides to take a chance to embrace Zhang into his limited live, and it turned out to be the end of love. KAO,SHAO-WEI had a crash on his high school English teacher LI,YI-LUN, and he braced up to pursue YI-LUN when he bumped into her years after his graduation. Her beauty and melancholy are mysterious and fascinating as ever. It remains mystery to SHAO-WEI why people can be physically, intimately combined, while the relationship was not?
4.3 是期待值自以上的一部片子,爱情意味着好多遗憾吧。柯仙+1
很难说它到底是怎样的情节,所谓的爱情的尽头,是怎样的。难以说出口,无法评述。真正的爱情。他们真的是爱情么?我不是很确定,但是我知道,他们确实是走到了尽头,一段段感情,都没有走下去的可能了。很苦很涩。各个穿插片段 女生都好养眼 且张力明显大过于男性 似乎也能感受到女方总会在感情中付出的足够的多,却最终无法拥有长久。当然,老年那段我不加评判,夕阳恋短暂易逝,二人究竟是不是仅仅为了最后的陪伴而已。前三段,都让我觉得爱情真的好难,能够做最好最坚定的选择,或许,一开始就错了,之后再想好好继续,都只剩下默默的苦苦维持和自我痛苦吧。只愿爱情,没有尽头。或者,爱情的尽头不要尽是苦涩难挨。最后题外话,看到几个必娶女人角色,还是蛮亲切,只是这次真的一点都不好笑,仅剩无奈叹息和摇头了。无论怎样还是最爱柯佳嬿。