丹麦电影制作人Jørgen Leth一生都在煽动着全世界观众的心。他是一位理智的观察者。他在混乱的海地生活了20年,拍了40部纪录片,直到他的家在2010年地震中被毁,他的生活至此改变。这样的生活,意义何在?在欲望和绝望的驱使下,Jørgen时刻想要诱惑别人或是被人诱惑。影片是对这种现代审美的一种道德追问。Jørgen的人生是否无道德可言?
The Danish filmmaker Jorgen Leth has provoked audiences world wide for a lifetime. He is living his life as an observer, governed by his senses. After 40 documentaries, and 20 years in chaotic Haiti - until the earthquake destroyed his home in 2010 - what is the meaning of such a life? Jorgen Leth is existentially driven between desire and despair, being always ready to seduce or to be seduced. The Seduced Human is a moral inquiry about the modern aesthetical position. Is the film maker's life without ethics?