小琳是個不快樂的八歲女孩,生長在紐約最東邊Far Rockaway小鎮的海邊。家中經營中國餐館,父母皆忙於事業而無暇理她。小琳只有藉著惡作劇及欺負比她弱小的弟弟小凱來取得平衡。一日,與重男輕女的父親發生嚴重衝突後,小琳決定離家出走,並綁架小凱…… 冬季海灘封閉,小琳何去何從?
Living in a barren beachside New York neighborhood in wintertime, Lynn, a young Chinese girl struggles with loneliness and neglect while her favored younger brother is lavished with affections by their parents. When her sadness becomes resentment, she decides to abandon her brother in an unfamiliar place as a way to escape her cruel reality.