碧玉山庄富甲天下,武功盖世。碧玉夫人冬至之日,约会武林四公子,天马、银枪、红叶、青莲来至寒梅雪谷之中,作踏雪寻梅之会,一较文才武艺,胜者可为碧玉庄的东床快婿。本是一武林喜事,却因此牵起江湖一风云际会的死亡之约。 Kung fu masters Silver Spear, Red Leaf, Fast Steed and Green Lotus must survive dangerous obstacles and fight each other to the death to wed the lovely maiden of the Green Jade Villa and inherit her millions.
碧玉山庄富甲天下,武功盖世。碧玉夫人冬至之日,约会武林四公子,天马、银枪、红叶、青莲来至寒梅雪谷之中,作踏雪寻梅之会,一较文才武艺,胜者可为碧玉庄的东床快婿。本是一武林喜事,却因此牵起江湖一风云际会的死亡之约。 Kung fu masters Silver Spear, Red Leaf, Fast Steed and Green Lotus must survive dangerous obstacles and fight each other to the death to wed the lovely maiden of the Green Jade Villa and inherit her millions.