两个各自独立的小故事,靠一段电波维系。 深野和Moro,两个再正常不过的上海白领,每天深夜,他们会带上耳机,播放他们喜欢的五六十年代欧美老歌,主持一个令人着迷的深夜电台。 一只孤单 的铜把手,隔开了弄堂里多年独居的一位高龄宅女。她从不出门,做每件事前都要洗手,终日听着宅男电台⋯⋯
Two separated stories, connected by radio waves. Shenye & Moro are two perfectly normal white-collar workers in Shanghai. At every night, they would put on headphones and play their favorite songs from the fifties and sixties in Europe and US, hosted a fascinating night-time radio program, called "My Spiritual Medicine". A lonely copper handle, separated an old house woman (Otaku Lady) from the outside world for many years . She never went out and washed her hands before doing anything. She listened to the radio station all day.