仓田纱南(小田静枝 配音)从小就进入剧团表演,以童星的身份出道,人气十分了得。可是,即使是这样的孩子也有着数不清的烦恼。班上名为羽山秋人(中崎达也 配音)的男生带头反抗老师,使得班级陷入混乱之中,令纱南十分头痛,然而,当纱南得知秋人悲惨的身世和糟糕的家庭状况之后,决心依靠自己的力量来治愈秋人。
佐佐木刚(三泽真弓 配音)是纱南和秋人的朋友,善良的刚不幸遭遇了家庭破裂的悲剧而遭到同学们的嘲笑,就在此时,善良的杉田亚矢(菊地晶子 配音)站了出来,不仅袒护了刚,跟做出了惊人的告白。在不知不觉中,纱南已经深深喜欢上了秋人,然而,当她意识到自己的感情之时,却得知秋人已经开始了和好友松井风花(生驹治美 配音)的交往。 The story of super hyper child star Sana Kurata. Her mother is an award winning writer who has strange hairstyles and hats in which lives the family pet, Maro-chan the squirrel. Her manager is, as she describes him, Sana's boyfriend and pimp (though Sana doesn't know what a pimp is). At school, her class is in chaos as the boys, under the leadership of the unemotional Akito Hayama, terrorize the teacher who is unable to do anything against them as Hayama is blackmailing her. As the series goes on, Sana and Akito resolve some of their differences and we follow the unlikely pair as they deal with their own pasts along with such issues as divorce, love triangles, child abandonment, and many others. However, this series hardly goes a minute without breaking into truly hilarious verbal and slapstick comedy.
佐佐木刚(三泽真弓 配音)是纱南和秋人的朋友,善良的刚不幸遭遇了家庭破裂的悲剧而遭到同学们的嘲笑,就在此时,善良的杉田亚矢(菊地晶子 配音)站了出来,不仅袒护了刚,跟做出了惊人的告白。在不知不觉中,纱南已经深深喜欢上了秋人,然而,当她意识到自己的感情之时,却得知秋人已经开始了和好友松井风花(生驹治美 配音)的交往。 The story of super hyper child star Sana Kurata. Her mother is an award winning writer who has strange hairstyles and hats in which lives the family pet, Maro-chan the squirrel. Her manager is, as she describes him, Sana's boyfriend and pimp (though Sana doesn't know what a pimp is). At school, her class is in chaos as the boys, under the leadership of the unemotional Akito Hayama, terrorize the teacher who is unable to do anything against them as Hayama is blackmailing her. As the series goes on, Sana and Akito resolve some of their differences and we follow the unlikely pair as they deal with their own pasts along with such issues as divorce, love triangles, child abandonment, and many others. However, this series hardly goes a minute without breaking into truly hilarious verbal and slapstick comedy.
狗血淋头,剧情暴走,用小孩子来演成人戏码。基调特别吵,偶有几段感人的。 讨厌男主羽山,肆无忌惮伤害别人,听到谣传纱南跟别人恋爱,立马答应备胎的求爱,大渣渣。纱南真不会选人,搭档直澄多好。
最喜欢父亲篇(40 - 50)、纽约篇(67 - 80)、完结篇(99 - 102话)
经典 纱南是另一个我
濃濃回憶 莎南阿 羽山阿 ~
当年 atv总是播一半就不播了……