田小麦(杨颖 饰)和盛赞(张超 饰)相恋多年,即将携手步入婚姻的殿堂,然而,就在这个节骨眼上,田小麦身为刑警的父亲在工作中不幸因故身亡,悲伤之余,田小麦在父亲的遗物之中发现了一本探案笔记,上面记载了十年前的一桩悬案,同时也让田小麦回想起了自己的初恋秋收(阮经天 饰)。
某日,田小麦从好友处得知了一间贩卖世间一切东西的网店,在店中,田小麦买了一条紫色丝巾。之后,诡异的事情接二连三的发生,种种蛛丝马迹均显示,如今下落不明的秋收,和父亲笔记里那宗疑案有着千丝万缕的关联。就这样,田小麦一遍调查着案件,一遍寻找着秋收,试图找到隐藏在乱象之后的真相。 After the death of her policeman father, Xiaomai (Angelababy) begins to look over his old journals filled with notes about the cases he investigated over the years. The mention of a purple scarf in the notes particularly catches her attention, prompting her to purchase a similar scarf from a mysterious website that claims to sell everything, as long as one can pay the price. Soon after, Xiaomai's close friend (Rayza) is found dead, strangled by a purple scarf. All of this awakens Xiaomai's memories of her childhood sweetheart Qiushou (Ethan Juan), whose mother was also strangled to death with a purple scarf by an unknown killer. Xiaomai and Qiushou grew up together and fell in love, but he suddenly disappeared from her life 15 years ago without a word. She begins to believe that Qiushou has returned and may be seeking revenge.
某日,田小麦从好友处得知了一间贩卖世间一切东西的网店,在店中,田小麦买了一条紫色丝巾。之后,诡异的事情接二连三的发生,种种蛛丝马迹均显示,如今下落不明的秋收,和父亲笔记里那宗疑案有着千丝万缕的关联。就这样,田小麦一遍调查着案件,一遍寻找着秋收,试图找到隐藏在乱象之后的真相。 After the death of her policeman father, Xiaomai (Angelababy) begins to look over his old journals filled with notes about the cases he investigated over the years. The mention of a purple scarf in the notes particularly catches her attention, prompting her to purchase a similar scarf from a mysterious website that claims to sell everything, as long as one can pay the price. Soon after, Xiaomai's close friend (Rayza) is found dead, strangled by a purple scarf. All of this awakens Xiaomai's memories of her childhood sweetheart Qiushou (Ethan Juan), whose mother was also strangled to death with a purple scarf by an unknown killer. Xiaomai and Qiushou grew up together and fell in love, but he suddenly disappeared from her life 15 years ago without a word. She begins to believe that Qiushou has returned and may be seeking revenge.
阮经天就算你再帅我也不太行 这部就放过我吧
主题:谋杀似水年华 主角:秋收、小麦(绝配) 格调:非悬疑的缠绵悱恻的爱情片
拍的一团糟 原作比较有意思
我现在才发现这个片子我当年居然看过 但我除了记得装神弄鬼什么也不记得了