Follows Manuela, a young woman who lives alone in a cabin, as she meets seven-year-old Alba, and starts a journey that forces her to face the demons of her past and question the pillars of her life.
Follows Manuela, a young woman who lives alone in a cabin, as she meets seven-year-old Alba, and starts a journey that forces her to face the demons of her past and question the pillars of her life.
现在看到第8集了。讲真我是真的没有想到,12年后的今天会再次看到西班牙语版的Mother。所以说好的故事可以跨越时间,可以跨越海洋也能被翻拍。当年我多疼爱芦田爱菜,今天我就有多疼爱小Alba。这个剧小演员的选择真的很重要,戴着小红帽的Alba,我看她第一眼,我就觉得这个剧稳了。我可能对演员是有滤镜的,就好像内娱我只看任嘉伦的影视剧。Adriana Ugarte 跟Maria Leon就是这个剧另外的两大护剧金刚。演技是真的好。