Three British porn addicts, Kevin, 20, Danny, 26, and Jonathan, 40, go to America to meet their favourite stars, and witness the harsh realities behind the factories of fantasy.
Three British porn addicts, Kevin, 20, Danny, 26, and Jonathan, 40, go to America to meet their favourite stars, and witness the harsh realities behind the factories of fantasy.
Youtube上就有啊!其中一个女孩 three children, stay-at-home mom and a PhD student in Quantum physics....扯吧!也不知道那三个人是真反省还是对着镜头演戏……男同剧情的名演员竟然都是soft core而他的影迷都看不出来!?
Interesting documentary.
印象最深刻的是那个还有2年拿quantum physics的Ph.D的那个应聘者,这绝对是真爱。YY一下一个quantum physics phd的porn star,想想就带感
Jennifer White出道时那么高的上限现在竟然end up in低端色情小站卖苦力 A片行业真难混 立场稍微偏了一点点到后面又励志又煽情 爱gv的基佬发现自己的porn idol是刚正不阿的直男 这世界大概没有比这更幻灭的事情了。。。