Taking flight from its central creative process, 45 Days in Harvar expands into something much more nuanced: an examination of the prison system through first-person testimony and collective reflections. As Aréchiga’s debut documentary, it stands out as a work of empathetic humanism, and emblematizes the principle that art is never created in a vacuum.
The plastic artist-director César Aréchiga recreates the living room and studio of his house inside the maximum security prison of Puente Grande Jalisco, Mexico. Fifteen interns, by learning the techniques of paper production, clay modeling, sculpture and painting, reveal an aspect of their nature through this creative interaction, sharing their personal experiences and how they fell into the world of drug trafficking.
#WeAreOne 6.6
[2020_Film_48] 这是个悲剧内核的喜剧。人文悲悯照亮了350个里面的15个人。监狱里我敬你最后一个taco,监狱外我们还是照旧你死我活。
#WeAreOne#39 FICG OnlinePremiere 艺术被用作道德教化的工具。
浑身纹身的小哥弹起钢琴曲那里,比五十个肖申克的救赎还要美。45天在监狱里的一个art project. 极富人文情怀,镜头溢满细腻温柔。画作太美了 GDL电影节展映 Órale wey!No manches! 我们瓜城口音就是亲切,一路下来跟着沉思又捧腹,导演和胡子哥太好笑了,想起和朋友们天天净扯mamadas大笑的时刻。这才是墨西哥真实的人民嘛,骨子里的淳朴乐天,举手投足都是生活本身的雕琢。其他州我不知道,但Jalisco没有孤独。 "No vale la pena"他说。所有碎掉的人啊,take your broken heart, make it into art吧。艺术是所有游魂的避难所。匆忙一过,大家最后不都是在寻找爱么。啊,我永远爱墨西哥,它留给我的,或许是人生最美好的回忆之一。
#WeAreOne2020 造纸练技法 更需心性