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La última ofensiva

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暂无 During twelve years, between 1980 and 1992, El Salvador suffered a fratricide war. In 1989, the biggest offensive against the Salvadorean military forces was undertook by the Guerrilla force. The soviet Block collapsed. The military forces murdered the Jesuits fathers in the capital city. Three years later, the Peace Accords are negotiated in Mexico and the war in El Salvador comes to an end. ARENA, the right-wing party arose in 1981 during the armed conflict. It seized power in 1989 with Alfredo Cristiani as president. The party, settled in the presidency of the Republic since 1989, faces now the challenge of reinvent itself after twenty years in the power in order to win the 15Th of March the presidential elections 2009. For the first time since its legalization, the political party that arose from the Salvadorean guerrilla thanks to the 1992 Peace Accords, the FMLN, is capable of winning the elections. Their candidate, the journalist Mauricio Funes, is presented as someone who neither did take up weapons during the armed conflict nor did he belong to the diplomatic structure of the FMLN in the 80's. The 15Th of March presidential elections 2009 could be considered as the last battle, the great battle at the ballot box. Never before in the history of El Salvador, has been the left-wing so close seize power through democratic means.


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