Vadim is an ordinary office worker with no prospects, desperate to somehow change his boring life. One afternoon, while pondering his life in a pub, a mysterious bartender offers Vadik a cocktail. Upon drinking this cocktail, Vadik's world is instantly transformed beyond recognition. He is now successful, attractive and interesting. However, Vadik needs to learn how to sustain this new mirage, once the cocktails run out.
哈哈哈哈 开头10分钟就见识了俄罗斯足球流氓
前一阵去深圳的飞机上看了一个开头就降落 找不到资源的电影 今天善始善终 感谢海航 虽然片子不怎么样
故事挺新颖的 果然战斗民族 见警察就干 男主呆头呆脑的样子很脸谱化 调酒师小邪恶的样子挺好玩的。