Wylie is a lazy engineer. Landry is a Sergeant specialising in Armour. They have never met but their lives become entangled when Landry must take the tank Wylie designed into combat. Wylie is waiting for his employer to go out of business when he meets another engineer who gives him a disk with the plans for a system that will save his employer. The other engineer is dead moments later leaving Wylie with the disk and credit for the design. Suddenly Wylie is no longer a hack, but the saviour of his company and finds his life is no longer the same.
兵来将挡 /Best Defense》绝版台配录影带
墨菲、达德利、Kate Capshaw 三大笑星加上长腿美女海伦谢费上演的大烂片。笑点少得可怜。达德利出演的好色懒惰无能工程师一下转变为正直聪慧,说服力确实不足。故事方面把时隔两年的研发和战场硬捏在一起穿插交代让影片破碎凌乱,节奏混乱,观影体验实在爽快不起来。