皮卡(麦克·梅尔斯 Mike Myers 饰)刚刚降生就被双亲遗弃,幸运的是,一个虔诚的印度宗教家收养了嗷嗷待哺的皮卡,将他养大成人。长大后的皮卡受到故乡的召唤,远渡重洋回到了故乡美国,在那里,他利用自己印度教导师的身份开办了一个“诊所”,专门治疗恋爱中的疑难杂症。这种融合了宗教和精神力量的新颖治疗方式很快就为皮卡赢得了金钱和名誉,但当球队经理布拉德(杰西卡·阿尔芭 Jessica Alba 饰)出现在他面前时,皮卡的一切经验都失去了效用。
在布拉德的委托下,皮卡开始了对球队主力戴伦(罗曼尼·马尔可 Romany Malco 饰)和其妻子之间感情的医治,没想到这一对关系诡异的夫妻让皮卡的治疗变得困难重重。皮卡能够顺利完成布拉德的委托吗?男人和女人之间的感情难道真的如此脆弱吗? Born in America, but raised in Havemahkeeta in India, with a population of 76, Maurice had always to better Deepak Chopra, and be sexually active, ever since he was 12. His Guru, Tugginmypudha, while approving of Deepak, cautions Maurice and has a chastity belt put around his waist, much to Maurice's chagrin. Years later, Maurice has established himself as Guru Pitka in America, but would like to appear in the Oprah Show and be better than Deepak Chopra. When Jane Bullard from the the Toronto Maple Leafs hires him to counsel their star hockey player, Darren Roanoke, to win back his wife, Prudence, from Kings' star player, Jacques Grande, and also stand up to his dominating mother, Lilian, he agrees to do so - with hilarious results.
在布拉德的委托下,皮卡开始了对球队主力戴伦(罗曼尼·马尔可 Romany Malco 饰)和其妻子之间感情的医治,没想到这一对关系诡异的夫妻让皮卡的治疗变得困难重重。皮卡能够顺利完成布拉德的委托吗?男人和女人之间的感情难道真的如此脆弱吗? Born in America, but raised in Havemahkeeta in India, with a population of 76, Maurice had always to better Deepak Chopra, and be sexually active, ever since he was 12. His Guru, Tugginmypudha, while approving of Deepak, cautions Maurice and has a chastity belt put around his waist, much to Maurice's chagrin. Years later, Maurice has established himself as Guru Pitka in America, but would like to appear in the Oprah Show and be better than Deepak Chopra. When Jane Bullard from the the Toronto Maple Leafs hires him to counsel their star hockey player, Darren Roanoke, to win back his wife, Prudence, from Kings' star player, Jacques Grande, and also stand up to his dominating mother, Lilian, he agrees to do so - with hilarious results.
其实也没那么沉闷或不堪,只不过梅尔斯的笑料太过老套大家见惯了笑不出来而已。 杰西卡·阿尔芭美艳无敌加星。
本来以为是部蛮特别的搞笑片,整整看了52分钟,愣是没有笑过一次。 片中的那个大湿常常不由自主的笑个半天,但其所说的内容却没有半点笑料。 几句不离鸡鸡蛋蛋,屎尿屁不断。 整片逻辑关系混乱,前言不搭后语。
呵呵(一般我打出呵呵的时候 心里想的都是。。)
杰西卡 你以后能不能擦亮眼睛选片啊?!!
三星半,当中印度舞太恶搞了~哈哈哈 Mike Myers还是那么可爱~Justin麻痹太雷人了~
it's pretty nice..don't get why chinese don't like it.. it's lame but it's funny. it makes u laugh then it's a gd movie isn't it?
实在受不了这种低级的厕所笑话。。。迈克·梅尔斯的喜剧一直都不在我能接受的范围之内- -杰西卡·阿尔巴想干嘛?。。。老演这种片子,就算是美女也不能这么任性!你当自己是本·金斯利嘛~有奥斯卡随便怎么鼓捣自己都成
Oh my Jessica 我爱死你了 哪怕你一只花瓶下去……Justin的扮相开始还真没看出来~ 真的 让我笑了的 忘记曾经多么讨厌麦克梅尔斯……
SB. 能把电影拍得烂到这种地步,也是本事。