一个普通的波士顿小酒吧,来这里的每个人都互相认识,出了酒吧各自有着喜怒哀乐的故事,进了酒吧就是嬉笑怒骂的“一家人”。Woody据说就是从此出名,其后才参演多部著名作品,比如Naturally born kill(天生杀人狂)等,非常多产。
-sonychen The lives of the disparate group of employees and patrons at a Boston watering hole called Cheers over eleven years is presented. Over much of this period, Sam Malone, a womanizing ex-Boston Red Sox pitcher and an alcoholic, owns the bar, its purchase and this life which was his salvation from his alcoholism which was largely the cause of the end of his baseball career. He ends up having a love-hate relationship with intellectual Diane Chambers, who he hires as a waitress and whose cultured mentality is foreign to anyone else in the bar. He also has an evolving relationship with Rebecca Howe, who managed the bar for the Lily Corporation which bought it from Sam, but whose outward business savvy belied the fact that she was a mess of a woman who was struggling to find her place in life. The regular patrons are largely a bunch of self-identified losers, who bond because of their shared place in life, and because Cheers is their home away from home, and in many ways more a home than ...
一个普通的波士顿小酒吧,来这里的每个人都互相认识,出了酒吧各自有着喜怒哀乐的故事,进了酒吧就是嬉笑怒骂的“一家人”。Woody据说就是从此出名,其后才参演多部著名作品,比如Naturally born kill(天生杀人狂)等,非常多产。
-sonychen The lives of the disparate group of employees and patrons at a Boston watering hole called Cheers over eleven years is presented. Over much of this period, Sam Malone, a womanizing ex-Boston Red Sox pitcher and an alcoholic, owns the bar, its purchase and this life which was his salvation from his alcoholism which was largely the cause of the end of his baseball career. He ends up having a love-hate relationship with intellectual Diane Chambers, who he hires as a waitress and whose cultured mentality is foreign to anyone else in the bar. He also has an evolving relationship with Rebecca Howe, who managed the bar for the Lily Corporation which bought it from Sam, but whose outward business savvy belied the fact that she was a mess of a woman who was struggling to find her place in life. The regular patrons are largely a bunch of self-identified losers, who bond because of their shared place in life, and because Cheers is their home away from home, and in many ways more a home than ...
据说此剧当年也因收视率不佳一度要被砍,后来... ... 终成80年代喜剧经典。https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/cheers-saved-from-being-cancelled-summer-after-season-1.html/
因为Frasier重启又来看Cheers,因为看Cheers又去刷了一遍The Good Place。看Cheers最大的问题是,让我好想喝酒啊😇
爱一些高知女性人设,6(还是7?)个大学专业帅死我了,对waitress这个职业毫不羞耻还在酒吧读书,我的女神😱。Sam有些角度和神态有点幻视Jesse。Sam和Diane第一集开始火花第二集就开始眼神拉丝磕死我了啊啊。虽然我理性思考觉得Sam完全配不上Diane但你们同框和互动的时候有一种宿命感……flirt了这么久终于在最后一集谈上了啊啊啊啊啊啊。ps Diane竟然是后来mf里的Dede……在第2集就凭声音认出来了
看frasier的时候还没感觉年代感很重,更早十年的cheers还是感觉到了代沟,十来集之后好多了。另外Sam Diane几乎就是典型的“互相折磨到白头”的类型,很不合适又很合适,很好奇后面是怎么分分合合的🥹