Clemson Reade, a business tycoon with marriage on his mind, and Effie, a U.S. diplomat, are a modern couple. Unfortunately there seems to be too much business and not enough pleasure on the part of Effie. When Clemson meets Tarji, a princess trained in all the arts of pleasing men, he decides he wants an old fashioned girl. Princess Tarji's father is king of oil-rich Bukistan. Because of the oil situation and to maintain good political relations during the courtship between Clemson & Tarji, the State Department assigns a diplomat to maintain protocol until the wedding. Effie!
Make an earthquake for me
CG + Kerr 竟然在53年就来一次啦 他俩俏皮and优雅的对话中的化学(地震)不可复制~甜炸
cary和kerr搭档最有爱的一部 cary偷偷去印度公主的房间还老是被kerr挡住也是超搞笑了 两人一亲吻就地震。
好喜欢DK和CG这对CP啊!每次看完这对就好想谈恋爱 怎么可以这么甜...Kerr在这里的造型好美啊 而且还演了个小御姐 喜欢!
Cary grant + Deborah Kerr 原来50年代女权这么高涨:) Very light entertainment, quite predictable.
两位搭档很有趣嘛,Deborah Kerr 在里面完全的衣服秀。。很喜欢那几套裙子~~~