1970年代,美国俄亥俄州。一场飓风将半个小镇破坏殆尽。十四岁的男孩所罗门(雅各布·雷诺兹 Jacob Reynolds饰)和男孩塔克(尼克·萨顿 Nick Sutton饰)是两个无所事事的街头小混混。这场残酷的飓风不仅破坏了小镇的一切,也带走了所罗门父亲在内众多居民的生命。所罗门和精神异常的母亲相依为命,塔克则与鳏居的父亲一起生活。两个难兄难弟都对生活迷失了方向,每日就以吸毒,扳手腕和杀猫为乐。在这个悲惨而又毫无意义的世界里,两个少不更事的男孩就这样无聊而麻木地生活着,明天对于二人而言如同虚设,只能继续堕落下去。
由青年导演哈莫尼·科林自编自导的实验处女作《奇异小子》,荣获1997年第54届威尼斯国际电影节费比西奖-鼓励奖。 Constructing this film through random scenes, director Harmony Korine abruptly jettisoned any sort of narrative plot, so here we go: Solomon and Tummler are two bored teenage boys who live in Xenia, Ohio. A few years ago, a tornado swept through it, destroying more than half the town and killing the same amount, including Solomon's father. The film, from there, chronicles the anti-social adventures these two boys have. These include sniffing glue, killing cats, having sex, riding dirtbikes, listening to black metal, and meeting a cavalcade of quirky, bizarre, and scary people. These include a man who pimps his mentally ill wife to our anti-heroes, three sisters who play with their cat and practice becoming strippers, a black midget fending off the sexual advances of a troubled man (played by the director Harmony Korine), a 12-year-old gay transvestite who is also a cat killer, Solomon's mother who seems to be the only glimpse of sanity, two foul-mouthed six-year olds, and most importantly, a nymphlike skateboarder who walks around town wearing pink rabbit ears.
由青年导演哈莫尼·科林自编自导的实验处女作《奇异小子》,荣获1997年第54届威尼斯国际电影节费比西奖-鼓励奖。 Constructing this film through random scenes, director Harmony Korine abruptly jettisoned any sort of narrative plot, so here we go: Solomon and Tummler are two bored teenage boys who live in Xenia, Ohio. A few years ago, a tornado swept through it, destroying more than half the town and killing the same amount, including Solomon's father. The film, from there, chronicles the anti-social adventures these two boys have. These include sniffing glue, killing cats, having sex, riding dirtbikes, listening to black metal, and meeting a cavalcade of quirky, bizarre, and scary people. These include a man who pimps his mentally ill wife to our anti-heroes, three sisters who play with their cat and practice becoming strippers, a black midget fending off the sexual advances of a troubled man (played by the director Harmony Korine), a 12-year-old gay transvestite who is also a cat killer, Solomon's mother who seems to be the only glimpse of sanity, two foul-mouthed six-year olds, and most importantly, a nymphlike skateboarder who walks around town wearing pink rabbit ears.
一个城镇的变态、邪恶、黑暗的浮世绘,变态背后也有纯真,邪恶背后也有良知,但是黑暗之处没有光亮,于是一切都疯癫下去,混乱丑恶不停地碰撞爆炸,直到飓风来袭,一切消逝,只剩下兔男拎着死猫尸体发出无声的呐喊。 7.7分 (本片就是部有剧情的《垃圾保险杆》)
一群fucked-up的居民,极端残酷又喜感。摔跤虐杀椅子,各种虐杀动物,脏水浴缸吃面条,高架桥撒尿,给唐氏综合症妹妹当皮条客 这些奇葩片段杂乱无章又奇异得衔接起来。很有实验性,变态又美丽
peanut butter motherfucker! cause U're a big motherfucker!
意象。碎片式叙述。动物虐待。残酷青春。性意识。gummo来自1920年左右在美国很有名的一个喜剧团体marx brothers,其中年级最小的那个叫gummo。
我很奇怪导演怎么能找到这么多长得这么丑的小孩当演员 一部电影里聚集了所有美国最丑的青少年也是一件艰巨的事情
whether you like this film or not,it's impossible to forget! 继铁皮鼓的奥斯卡后,又一长相诡异的小孩震撼到我神经