小偷其实是一个画家女儿的男朋友,他们几人因为偶然相识,但女孩子对他作案的情况一无所知。警察退役后持续追踪此案,在取得确凿证据后将他拷在了女友面前,让他自己想办法跟女友交代这一切,此时影片戛然而止。 Commissioner Beffrois waits for retirement with mixed enthusiasm when a theft of paintings catches his attention. Is it the elegance of the process? The audacity of the crime? The beauty of the stolen work? Belfry launches in search of an atypical thief, a real draft, an acrobat in his spare time.
小偷其实是一个画家女儿的男朋友,他们几人因为偶然相识,但女孩子对他作案的情况一无所知。警察退役后持续追踪此案,在取得确凿证据后将他拷在了女友面前,让他自己想办法跟女友交代这一切,此时影片戛然而止。 Commissioner Beffrois waits for retirement with mixed enthusiasm when a theft of paintings catches his attention. Is it the elegance of the process? The audacity of the crime? The beauty of the stolen work? Belfry launches in search of an atypical thief, a real draft, an acrobat in his spare time.