利用假期,唐老鸭(克拉伦斯·纳什 Clarence Nash 配音)远渡重洋,从美国来到北欧一带旅行。他穿着皮揣子直直爬上了山顶,在山的最顶端有一个巨大的秃鹰老巢。唐老鸭抵达目的地,准备把比自己还高的鸟蛋偷走,这时候却遇到另一个小秃鹫的阻挠。他才不怕这个刚破壳的小家伙呢,于是与之展开一连串的对决。正在此时,肥胖巨大的秃鹰妈妈回家了,见状不好,唐老鸭连忙躲入蛋壳中。秃鹰妈妈丝毫没有发现异状,她坐在唐老鸭的蛋上面孵化。蛋壳内温度超高,让唐纳德仿佛置身炼狱一般。他再也受不了了,于是想法跑了出来,可是不得不去面对将自己认成儿子的秃鹰妈妈。
更倒霉的是,从来没有飞过的唐老鸭,必须按照妈妈的命令练习遨游天空…… Donald is trying to collect a condor's egg when the condor returns. He hides inside an empty egg and regrets this when the large, warm mother returns. He regrets it even more when he "hatches" and mama encourages him to fly. And mama proves to be even more protective than Donald would like.
更倒霉的是,从来没有飞过的唐老鸭,必须按照妈妈的命令练习遨游天空…… Donald is trying to collect a condor's egg when the condor returns. He hides inside an empty egg and regrets this when the large, warm mother returns. He regrets it even more when he "hatches" and mama encourages him to fly. And mama proves to be even more protective than Donald would like.