福建沿海一个不起眼的小镇,偷渡之风屡禁不止。为了一圆美国发财梦,当地人倾家荡产,甚至为此丢掉性命。镇上名人二弟(段龙 饰)也曾是偷渡大军中的一员,当年他成功踏上美国的土地,并和当地开饭馆的同乡的女儿生有一子。然而这件事却导致他美国梦的破灭,愤怒的老丈人向移民局检举,二弟最终被遣返回国。
回到家乡后的他百无聊赖,沉默压抑,只有当巡回演出的越剧团到来时,团中的美丽旦角(舒砚 饰)才令他感到短暂的宽慰。不久,二弟在美国的儿子福生回国省亲。在哥哥的劝说下,他终于鼓起勇气前去探望儿子。然而,势利的老丈人却以法律为由禁止这对父子见面。思子心切,二弟不惜铤而走险…… The young adult life of Hong Yunsheng, nicknamed Little Brother, is seen as somewhat of a failure by those that know him. A Chinese national, he stowed away on a boat to the United States, where he worked as a dishwasher in the restaurant of a family from his hometown back in Fujian province. After two years in the States and after fathering an illegitimate child there named Fusheng, the child's mother Xuhui who is the restaurateur's daughter, he was deported back to China. Since, he has been floundering in life, which has caused a rift between himself and his older brother, who, with his wife, operate a street front diner and can't have children of their own. Little Brother relies on his new girlfriend, a woman he barely knows named Wu Ruifang who is a performer in a touring opera troupe, for emotional support. Despite Little Brother being the local poster boy for not stowing away, his friend named Monkey tried to do the same, but died on the voyage over due to exposure to toxic chemicals on board the ship. Meanwhile, the restaurateur's family, including now five year old Fusheng, has returned to their Chinese hometown for a visit. They refuse to let Little Brother see his son, Little Brother who wants to be a father to the boy. This visit begins the tug-of-war not only between Little Brother and Xuhui's respective families, but between paternalistic Chinese society and American law.
回到家乡后的他百无聊赖,沉默压抑,只有当巡回演出的越剧团到来时,团中的美丽旦角(舒砚 饰)才令他感到短暂的宽慰。不久,二弟在美国的儿子福生回国省亲。在哥哥的劝说下,他终于鼓起勇气前去探望儿子。然而,势利的老丈人却以法律为由禁止这对父子见面。思子心切,二弟不惜铤而走险…… The young adult life of Hong Yunsheng, nicknamed Little Brother, is seen as somewhat of a failure by those that know him. A Chinese national, he stowed away on a boat to the United States, where he worked as a dishwasher in the restaurant of a family from his hometown back in Fujian province. After two years in the States and after fathering an illegitimate child there named Fusheng, the child's mother Xuhui who is the restaurateur's daughter, he was deported back to China. Since, he has been floundering in life, which has caused a rift between himself and his older brother, who, with his wife, operate a street front diner and can't have children of their own. Little Brother relies on his new girlfriend, a woman he barely knows named Wu Ruifang who is a performer in a touring opera troupe, for emotional support. Despite Little Brother being the local poster boy for not stowing away, his friend named Monkey tried to do the same, but died on the voyage over due to exposure to toxic chemicals on board the ship. Meanwhile, the restaurateur's family, including now five year old Fusheng, has returned to their Chinese hometown for a visit. They refuse to let Little Brother see his son, Little Brother who wants to be a father to the boy. This visit begins the tug-of-war not only between Little Brother and Xuhui's respective families, but between paternalistic Chinese society and American law.
在中国加入WTO这一历史语境下,鼠目寸光的《二弟》匆匆茫茫地在一纸卖身契约上签了字画了押。然而已经否定自身历史抱上“大哥” 大腿的他却又以一种耍无赖的姿态试图与家族道统重新建立起那种亲密的“父子”关系,踩着煽情的音乐爬上道德制高点的王小帅将这种片面利己的勾当美其名曰“为了孩子” 真是让吃瓜群众无法反驳和不忍拒绝。可惜他这套 “猫哭耗子” 骗遍世界的把戏早就不是什么秘密了。在所有第六代导演里站在最前最右的那位大概是王小帅,说他放弃既得利益抨击体制简直是本世纪最冷的笑话。
王小帅再一次把镜头对准了社会现象,这一次对象是执着于大洋对面美国梦的群体偷渡客。 在这个闭塞的村镇里,二弟就仿佛传奇般的人物,竟然是因为他屡偷屡败, 屡败屡偷的偷渡生涯。 可是只有二弟自己知道,短暂的几年海外生涯谈不上光鲜,谈不上精彩,唯一的最重要的就是他想见却不能见的儿子。 在《二弟》里,王小帅最感兴趣的大时代气息不那么明显了,更多的是一种对生活的无力感。是二弟这样在生活边缘的主人公与生活的抗争。 比较明显的缺憾是,以段奕宏为主的北方演员很难较好地融入电影应该呈现的南方生活,在台词和对人物的塑造上欠缺精准和可信度,同样的问题在王小帅的电影中已经不是头一回出现了。
二弟是一个让人遗憾的男人 也是一个让人无可奈何的男人 市井小民的生活 就像混混沌沌的海潮 总也看不到与众不同的边际 在这种情况下 逃离是寻求希望的唯一方法 虽然这希望是更渺茫的 整部片子的色调阴沉 节奏缓慢 情节也没有大起大伏 渲染出来的是沉闷甚至于压抑的生活 然而孩子最终叫了爸爸 让人欣慰
人物和情感没有明显的符号化倾向 拍出了真实人生百感交集的味道 挺不错的片子(虽然被提前猜到了 但结尾仍然是全片的亮点)