简介:(原描述为第一部的故事梗概) Amaia after breaking up with Rafa, falls in love with a Catalonian. Koldo, her father, goes to Sevilla to persuade Rafa to go to Catalonia and take Amaia's heart back. 阿玛雅与拉法心碎分手,竟和加泰罗尼亚男人坠入爱河。阿玛雅的父亲科尔多远赴塞维利亚说服拉法同去巴塞罗那,誓要阿玛雅回心转意。
简介:Quique is dispatched to a village in deep Spain Teruel to lead its politics of recuperation but soon discovers he was sent there so that his girlfriend and leader of his party could spend more time together