简介:恶毒随笔是一个正在进行中的视频项目,它希望通过素材匹配关联性的编排呈现生活中潜藏的幽默与恶毒。 Vicious Essays is an ongoing video project that hopes to present the humor and viciousn ess lurking in life by matching material with correlative choreography.
简介:下午,黄山松在杜镇宇的剧组帮忙,在离开的车上他睡着了,老师批评了这部片子。 In the afternoon, Huang Shansong helped in Du Zhenyu's crew. He fell asleep in the car on the way out, and the teacher criticized the film.
简介:恶毒随笔是一个正在进行中的视频项目,它希望通过素材匹配关联性的编排呈现生活中潜藏的幽默与恶毒。 Vicious Essays is an ongoing video project that hopes to present the humor and viciousn ess lurking in life by matching material with correlative choreography. https://www.xinpianchang.com/a12265391?from=UserProfile